that having a rock removed from your child's nose is considered "surgery", at least for insurance purposes? And if your child has this done your insurance will probably not pay for it if you haven't met your deductible, because, well, it isn't included in that "deductible be damned" copay only sick/well office visit benefit you get because it isn't *really* an office visit, even if it all happened in the office? And if that's the case you'll get a loverly note in the mail from said doctor's office and your insurance company saying, "Oh. So sorry. Please pay up now." This is most likely going to happen the same week you shelled out a small fortune for dental care, soccer sign ups and assorted school activities for said child.
Did I mention this was my SIX year old who should freaking know better than to go around sticking things up his nose?!
I love my son I love my son I love my son.